Sunday, July 9, 2017

La Citadelle de Québec

La Citadelle de Québec is the oldest military building in Canada, and forms part of the fortifications of Quebec City, which is one of only two cities in North America still surrounded by fortifications, the other being Campeche, Mexico.

There is also a ceremonial Changing the Guard ceremony during the summer at the Citadelle of Quebec by members of the Royal 22e Régiment. Changing of the Guard takes place daily from June 24th to the first Monday of September at 10 am at the Citadelle.  Beating of the Retreat at 7 pm Friday and Saturday at July 1st till the last Saturday in August takes place at Parc de l'Esplanade.

Here is the wikipedia page.

Here is their website.

?Here are the TripAdvisor reviews.?

From here:

Adult: $16
Senior (65+): $14

Entrance fees include the Changing of the Guard and the Beating of the Retreat in summer.
We accept debit cards and Visa, Mastercard and Amex credit cards.
Guided tours of the Citadelle every half-hour from June 24 to September 4 - in French & English. The schedule may change without notice.

1 Côte de la Citadelle, Ville de Québec, QC G1R 3R2, Canada

Telephone 418-694-2815

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